Willkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome to my website

My name is Mats-Marius, you can call me Mats or Marius or Mats-Marius or MM or whatever. This is my desk, or filing cabinet. It's a place for me to store and organise all my writings, outside of my notes app.

Who am i?

Painting by Malcolm T. Liepke

Well, as stated, my name is Mats-Marius. I'm 19, I'm swedish, I'm gay.

I am a huge theatre nerd, a thespian if you will. I've been doing theatre for eleven years and plan on doing it for as long as i am able to. I write a lot, which is also something I've been doing for most of my life, although I've yet to actually finish anything that isn't a translation of something. I am very interested in languages and translation, and am prone to getting a little in over my head in trying to teach myself languages. Currently working on improving my German, which is a language I've been studying on the side for several years now but am still not as proficient in as I'd like to be, and am taking a beginners course in Russian at uni. It's difficult but very fun! Я студент!
Sometime in the future I would like to try my hand at French again, I did take four years of it in school but it never really clicked for me unfortunately. But maybe the second time's the charm, yknow?

Translation wise I've been working on a Swedish translation of Dave Molloy's musical Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 since summer 2023. Last year i translated Frank Wedekind's Frühlings Erwachen from the original German into Swedish, and I hope to be able to stage a production using that translation someday. (If you want to read that play you can find it here in the original German and here in English.)

Me! Well, not really. This is a painting by Malcolm T Liepke,
but it kind of looks like me!

My general interests

Acting, Writing, Musicals, Shakespeare
Costume design
Queer theory
Judaism, Mythology, Cults
Video Games
Swedish (first language), English (fluent), German (low intermediate), Russian (beginner)

Want to know more about all of this? You can find that here!

Links to my things

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