Well, as stated, my name is Mats-Marius. I'm 19, I'm swedish, I'm gay.
I am a huge theatre nerd, a thespian if you will. I've been doing theatre for eleven years and plan on doing it for as long as i am able to. I write a lot, which is also something I've been doing for most of my life, although I've yet to actually finish anything that isn't a translation of something. I am very interested in languages and translation, and am prone to getting a little in over my head in trying to teach myself languages. Currently working on improving my German, which is a language I've been studying on the side for several years now but am still not as proficient in as I'd like to be, and am taking a beginners course in Russian at uni. It's difficult but very fun! Я студент!
Sometime in the future I would like to try my hand at French again, I did take four years of it in school but it never really clicked for me unfortunately. But maybe the second time's the charm, yknow?
Translation wise I've been working on a Swedish translation of Dave Molloy's musical Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 since summer 2023. Last year i translated Frank Wedekind's Frühlings Erwachen from the original German into Swedish, and I hope to be able to stage a production using that translation someday. (If you want to read that play you can find it here in the original German and here in English.)